Aiming for even higher perspectives

With a focus on the natural immunocompetence of human beings, we research the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment capabilities derived from special proteins.
We research a broad range of applications, from external environments, such as living spaces, to internal environments, such as our skin, mouth, and respiratory organs.

Functional material LYZOX

Organisms, such as humans, are equipped with the ability to protect themselves from external bacteria. With a focus on this ability, we arrived at a special antibacterial component called Lysozyme, which can be found in breast milk, tears, saliva, and egg whites. Lysozyme has an immunological effect for preventing the invasion or spread of infectious bacteria to the skin or inside the body. However, the weak point of this protein is that its effects weaken due to contact with the air or heating. Therefore, we collaborated with medical departments at universities and research facilities of agricultural colleges to research combining lysozyme with dietary fibers that are used in health food products and other applications. As a result, we were successful in using biotechnology to develop a new ingredient that enhances the stability and activity of Lysozyme, and we named that ingredient LYZOX.

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Functional material LYZOX Functional material LYZOX

Antiviral photocatalyst coating
W care coat

The characteristics of W care coat using a photocatalyst of Wako Filter Technology is that it can provide antiviral and antibacterial effects, even in dark places. Instead of the conventional method of photocatalytic effects that were difficult to achieve in indoor environments with fluorescent lamps or other sources, it uses the effects of a catalytic promoter that assists with the reaction. Moreover, the titanium oxide particles were made finer so as to increase the adhesion and activity. In continuing our development of products backed by evidence, we will continue cooperating with public research institutes and universities to perform research using infectious viruses and bacteria.

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Antiviral photocatalyst coating W care coat Antiviral photocatalytic coating

Noro free egg antibody

Antibodies have an immunological function of protecting organisms from external threats, which is made possible thanks to a protein called immunoglobulin. They are created inside the body to protect it from foreign substances (antigens) such as pathogens. Mammals, such as humans, are unable to create antibodies as a fetus or during the neonatal period due to undeveloped immune function. Therefore, mammals are protected from infectious diseases by their mothers through the placenta and breast milk. Birds, on the other hand, which do not have placentas or breast milk, pass antibodies to their offspring into the egg yolk (yellow part of egg) from the blood-born antibodies acquired by the mother. Using the immune systems of birds make it possible to create egg antibodies (antiviral antibodies) against specific viruses. We created the optimal combination of multiple antiviral antibodies to create a solution against viral infections, and we named it Noro free.

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Noro free egg antibody Noro free egg antibody